Here you will find an index that explains the abilities, weaknesses, and even death causes for each species that we have here at Rosecreek Hallow. Some have more abilities than others, which is something that you need to take into mind particularly when your character is facing off with another. This means (and is stated in the rules) you must honor the true advantages and disadvantages of your character and take the necessary hits that you're supposed to. Please note that all humans will have only normal abilities unless stated otherwise. All species can be killed temporarily.
(All descriptions have been alphabetically arranged for your convenience.) 



noun; a spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God

Angels are a higher being, called a Celestial Being, who work and serve for heavenly purposes. Unlike most of the other species, they weren't ever human and the only way for them to ever be is to be assigned on a mission that requires a disguise, which is exactly the case of Abbadon and Azrael. A normal angel is ranked below and is under the command of the Archangels and Gatekeepers and must follow through on all of their orders, regardless as to personal input, and can be greatly punished for not following through. Angels usually have a twin because they're created two at a time. An angel is always more powerful when they're with their twin and often share close bonds, mourning for the rest of eternity if their other half gets destroyed. An angel and their twin are usually created for a certain task with similar gifts so that they can work together.(Azrael and Abbadon who are the angels of death and destruction, Cassiel and Seraphiel who are the angels of solitude and silence, Haniel and Gadreel who are the angels of love and combat, etc...) Angels are also assigned a counterpart that they are supposed to be romantically involved with for the rest of eternity. If something happens to their counterpart like with Azrael and Lucifer, then the angel will be reassigned a new counterpart to take the place of the first. Angels are required to be with the counterpart and most of them fall in love with their romantic partner easily, feeling an instant attraction to them. If an angel refuses their counterpart, it is considered a sin and can be tried as treason in the court of heaven. It's usually very rare and has only happened once, but it results in a broken bond between an angel and their counterpart. An angel's blood can be used for powerful spells or to help another being resist angelic compulsion and mind manipulation. An angel's blood can also heal or revive another being faster then any other supernatural creature. All angels have an angelic dagger to wound lower supernatural creatures. It's a powerful weapon, but is still less powerful then an arch angel's angelic blade.

-Superhuman Strength
-Enhanced Senses
-Superhuman Speed
-Angelic Compulsion & Memory Manipulation
-Enhanced Healing
-Telepathy With Other Angels
-Angelic Dagger
-Angelic Harp
-Angelic Shield

-Death's Scythe
-Holy Oil
-Angelic Blade
-Angelic Law 
-Werewolf Bite
-Angel Powder
-Powerful Spells
-Overuse of Abilities




A R C H . A N . G E L
noun; an angel of high rank

An Archangel is the highest form of Celestial Being and has control of all of the angels below them. They have greater responsibilities and a far more dense amount of abilities to go along with them, which is reasonable, seeing as they rule over heaven and all other celestial beings. Despite the fact that they're the ones who determine punishment for rogue angels, their own punishment for wrongdoings is far greater and can be fatal in many cases. Gatekeepers are a sub category of arch angels and are still considered to be arch angels, though they're usually called gatekeepers unless being dressed formally. All arch angels have an angelic blade that can kill and terminate just about any supernatural creature. They are the only angels to have an angelic blade while most lower angels only have an angelic dagger.

-Superhuman Strength
-Enhanced Senses
-Superhuman Speed
-Mind Manipulation
-Enhanced Healing
-Elemental Control
-Free Passage Between the Celestial Realms
-Angelic Blade
-Angelic Bow
-Angelic Sheild

-Celestial Key
-Time Travel
-Control of the Hellhounds 

-Death's Scythe 




-Death's Scythe

-Holy Oil
-Angelic Blade
-Angelic Law 
-Angel Powder
-Overuse of Abilities



noun; an evil spirit thought to act as a tormentor in or from hell

Demons are most easily described as a damned soul that has been tortured been the point of humanity. They're originally human souls that did not meet the qualifications to make it into heaven, and were banned to Hell for their sins. Their souls were tortured beyond the point of feeling and until they had no emotions or humanity altogether. Their natural form is of a human, but their abilities are disguised just as any other supernatural creature. They possess superhuman strength, teleportation, telekenisis, superhuman agility, manifestation, and are prone to being experts in torture, seeing as that's literally how they became what they are. They're considered to be so threatening to humans because they're so difficult to kill, more often than not requiring a rare and specialized weapon of some sort to truly terminate them, though they do have several weaknesses. A particular weakness that is special for demons, is a Devil's Trap, which is a series of symbols drawn within a pentagram, which once stepping inside, they cannot escape unless someone (not a demon) from the outside of the Trap scratches out part of or "breaks" the Trap. Also, similar to vampires, Demons posses the ability of mind control over humans, however, their's isn't as powerful and can only influence what they do (meaning it can't cause them to forget). 

-Superhuman Strength

-Superhuman Agility
-Torture Prone
-Mind Control

-Holy Water
-Devil's Trap




noun; an apparition of a dead person that is believed to appear or become manifest to the living; a soul that lingers on the Earth plane

A ghost is a soul that hasn't been taken to Heaven or Hell and has rather remained on the Earth plane among the humans, but they're only able to take up a visual form. If so desired, they can communicate with human beings and other supernatural creaturs, but they cannot make physical contact, seeing as they're a soul. However, this does not prohibit ghosts from taking physical interaction amongst each other, which they're able to do in a similar way to how anyone else communicates. A ghost might be able to come back to life if they could find a powerful enough being to help them, such as an angel or a powerful witch or coven. Azrael, the Angel of Death would be able to possibly bring a ghost back to life as long as they had pure intentions and she was at her powerful peak. Ghosts cannot own or live in a residence unless the deed was in their name when they died.

-Draw energy to apparate

-Physical contact with only other ghosts
-Possession if powerful enough




noun; a demon in the form of a dog that is controlled by a gatekeeper

Hellhounds are dark beings who can transform into the form of a demonic canine, serving the gatekeepers of Heaven and Hell to help guard the gates. In many ways, they're similar to werewolves, but they have adapted to the terrain of hell and have developed some celestial powers. It's said that the first werewolves were descended from the hellhounds themselves. They're very temperamental and& dangerous. Hellhounds automatically feel a bond with the gatekeepers and only listen to them, not being very fond of angels unless they have a darker task or demons. They don't need a full moon to shift into their canine form and are usually very unsocial, only having one goal and that's to make sure that the gates are secure. Their bite is deadly to almost every single supernatural creature and the only cure is the blood of a gatekeeper or the blood of another hellhound. Hellhounds are the only creatures that are able to actually bite a ghost and when they do, the ghost comes back to life for a day and relives their last day of their human life through hallucinations before finally dying the again the same way that they originally died. They tend to loose control over themselves on full moons and become even more dangerous. Most hellhounds heal quicker then other celstial beings.

-Enhanced Speed
-Enhanced Strength
-Enhanced Senses
-Venomous Bite
-Celestial Travel
-Memory Manipulation
-Tracking Ability
-Quick Healing

-Full Moons
-Holy Water
-Hellhound Collar
-Angelic Dagger




I M M O R .  T A L   H U N T E R
noun; a man or woman who hunts supernatural species with special abilities and immortality to aid them in carrying on their legacy

There is only one Immortal Hunter known to man, who goes by the name of Ellis Lockland. As a human, he collaborated with Madeline Bristol, a witch, who created a magic elixir for him to drink, that gave him the ability of immortality to continue on to deal with the supernatural creatures of the world and protect humans from their dangers. However, unlike most immortal creatures, this does not grant him any special abilities other than immortal youth, the rest of his abilities and weaknesses being purely human.

-Self-trained supernatural-hunting skills

-Human weaknesses



S H A D O W   S E E K . E R
noun; a hunter of celestial beings

Shadow Seekers are similar to Immortal Hunters, though their game is specified down to celestial beings, such as angels and demons. Unlike Immortal Hunters, Shadow Sekeers posess more and enhanced abilities that assist them in their hunts. These Seekers become what they are by birth, and are often trained for their job at a young age, assuming that their raised in their birth family that they posess the gene from. Most of them are human aside from their Shadow Seeking abilities, though their are some occasions when Angels or Demons might become rogue and take up the lifestyle, often times for either their own gains or our of boredom. Note that the few who become Shadow Seekers by choice may have slightly altered, enhanced, or weaker abilities of sorts, though it depends on what they were prior. However, the most common and most natural kind of Shadow Seeker is one who was born into it. Whether or not they train at a younger age has no affect on when their supernatural abilities come, however, it might have a say in what their strong and weak points of the fight may be. They all posess each of the below listed abilities and often offer a fair fight to who they're hunting. They have enhanced strength, speed, and other senses, while some even have the ability of Immortality, though human born Shadow Seekers do posess Delayed Aging, as well. They have a keen sense of how close and where Angels or Demons might be which helps them to find and hunt them down undetected.

-Enhanced Strength
-Enhanced Speed
-Enhanced Senses
-Delayed Aging
-Sensing Celestial Creatures
-Advanced Healing

-Human Weaknesses (if human born)




S H A P E S H I F T . E R
noun; a person or being with the ability to change their physical form at will

Shapeshifters are people who posess a genetic code that allows them to shift into a specific animal at will once they hit a certain point of their life. The animal that they shift into varies depending on that specific person and can be different for many. Aside from shifting, they don't have any specic weaknesses or terminational causes that cause harm to them, and how useful their skills are as a shapeshifter will depend on what they turn into. Unlike some other supernatural species, they don't have a designated time of the month that they are to shift in, and, after much practice, they are able to shift in and out of their animal form as they please. What they turn into will often depend on their personality, human physical appearance, and what others in their bloodline shift into, though the later has the least to do with how what they are. What each shifter does with their abilities is not set in stone and the only thing that can decide whether they use it for good or bad is truly depending on the shifter themselves and their desires as what they want to do with their abilities. Most will not target humans or intentionally put anyone else in danger. The only way to become one is through genetics, thus, if you are bitten and don't already posess the ability to shift into an animal of sorts, then their bite will likely be harmless.

-Shapeshift Into One Animal At Will

-Human Weaknesses




noun; a corpse supposed to drink the blood of the living at night by biting into their necks with long, pointed, canine teeth

Vampires are seductive creatures who feed on the blood of humans or a substitute, such as an animal, to live. They're immortal and typically physically attractive as a lure for their prey, though what they don't show is their incredible strength, speed, or their other enhanced abilities. When in their true vampire form, the whites of their eyes will shift from white to blood red, dark circles will be cast under their eyes along with protruding veins, and elongated canines. A vampire transformation seems complex, but it's truly only a three-step process. First step is for the human to drink human blood, next they have to die, and when they wake, they must feed on human blood to complete something called "Transition." Please note that the older the vampire, the stronger and more powerful they are, while younger ones will still be stronger than humans, but weaker than their elders. Another ability that you may not be familiar with but is rather simple, is something called "Compulsion," which is basically vampire mind control. They can compel someone to forget an event, remember something that never happened, do something they never meant to do, the possibilities are truly endless. However, one way to protect your mind from a vampire is by the use of the herb Henvaine, which also works similarly to vampires as wolfsbane does to werewolves. Just as in traditional folklore, vampires burn to death if exposed to sunlight, however, though a rarity, some vampires are able to convince a witch to spell a piece of jewelery (such as a ring, a bracelet, a necklace, etc.) to protect them from the sun as long as that spelled item posesses a lapis lazuli gemstone, permitting them to be out and about during the daytime and to keep their secrecy.

-Superhuman Strength 
-Enhanced Sight, Smell, and Hearing
-Superhuman Speed
-Compulsion (Influence or control over the human mind)
-Dream Manipulation
-Instant healing of nonfatal injuries 


-Witch Spells
-Werewolf Venom 
-Can't enter a residence without being invited in 




W E R E . W O L F
noun; a person who changes for periods of time into a wolf, typically when there is a full moon

Werewolves are human beings who carry a gene that provides them the capacity to shift into the form of a wolf during a full moon. To be a werewolf, you must be a part of a werewolf bloodline so that your DNA can carry the gene, and you cannot be turned by a bite, scratch, or by any other form other than genetics. Their canine form is of a giant wolf, normally about 5-6 feet tall on all fours, depending on their gender and natural human height. While in their wolf form, they generally hand their mindsets over to their more animalistic side. Unfortunately, this results in many attacks that are either fatal or put someone in severe, hospitalized condition.

-Shift into form of a gigantic wolf during the full moon
-Superhuman Speed
-Superhuman Strength
-Enhanced Sight, Smell, and Hearing
-Instant healing to nonfatal injuries 


-Hot Temper
-Full Moon



noun; a person thought to have magic powers

A witch is another species that you have to be born into. Some bloodlines posess a gene that allows humans to manipulate energy and other forces to their own will, able to cast spells, see the future, make potions, and even communicate with the dead. Aside from their special, magical abilities, they are rather human and live and die within the same time span, unless using magic to keep themselves alive longer.


-Communicate with spirits of former witches

-Weakening from powerful spells
-Witch Hazel

-Other human weaknesses

W E A P O N S  &  T E R M S

Angelcress is a plant that repels the powers of angels.

Angelic Blade
An angelic blade is a blade that every archangel/gatekeeper has. It's actually called an "Archangel's Blade" but it's been shortened to an "Angelic Blade." An angelic blade is one of the only things that can kill an archangel.

 Angel Blood
Angel Blood is the blood of an angel that can be used to weaken the effects or powers of angels. The older and more powerful the angel, the stronger their blood. It can also be used in important spells.

Angelic Bow
A weapon used by archangels in battle or in a fight.  

Angelic Compulsion
The ability of angels to control the minds of lower beings and to be able to read or change their memories.

Angelic Dagger
An angelic dagger is a weapon given to every angel for them to defend themselves. An angelic dagger can easily wound most supernatural creatures unless they are very strong or powerful. It can weaken an arch angel, but it won't kill them.

Angelic Harp
A harp used by angels that can stun or freeze objects or beings for a small amount of time.

 Angel Powder
Angel Powder is the sand from the gates of heaven that can be used to bind an angel to a certain area or to weaken their powers.

Angelic Shield
An angelic shield is a shield that was made in heaven. It can't be penetrated by anything and every angel has one. It's usually used in a battle.

Celestial Key
There are two celestial keys and each gatekeeper has one. They're used to unlock the gates to each realm.The only other way to open the gates is with gatekeeper blood or an arch angel's blade.

Celestial Twin
An angel that was created at the same time as another angel with similar tasks and abilities.

The ability of certain supernatural creatures to control weaker minds.

Death's Scythe
A weapon used by Azrael, the Angel of Death, to reap souls. It can kill any creature and is considered to be the most deadly weapon ever created. It only works in the hands of Azrael and is bonded with her due to the fact that Azrael and her scythe were created at the same time. Azrael's scythe was made from a part of her soul which is why it only works in her hands. Because the scythe is connected to Azrael, it can sometimes have a mind of it's own. It's called "Reaper" or "Re" for short by Azrael.

Demonic Axe
A demonic axe is a powerful weapon that can cut through anything. They're usually used to destroy an angel's wings, though the angel will usually grow them back within a couple of weeks.

Demonic Dagger
A demonic dagger is a weapon that each demon has and it's used to kill other demons. Most older demons have them and they're harder for younger ones to get a hold of.

Heavenly Counterpart
A romantic partner that is bound to another angel.It's a term used for angelic soulmates.

Heavenly Court
A group of higher angels who have been appointed to rule over heaven and lower beings.

Hellhound Collar
Hellhound collars are the only things that can contain or hold a hellhound. They're used by the gatekeepers and the arch angels. Only a few of them are in existence and they're one of the strongest materials ever created.

Hellhound Whistle
A hellhound whistle is a whistle used by the gatekeepers to summon any hellhound at anytime.

A plant that causes burning, repels, or weakens the effects of vampires. 

Lapis Lazuli 
A gemstone that allows vampires to walk in the sunlight if it's been spelled by a witch. 

Shadow Compass
A shadow compass is a compass that's used to tell when a celestial being is nearby. They were originally only used by shadow hunters, but when they developed a sense to be able to tell when a celestial creature is around, a few of them ended up in the hands of regular hunters and supernatural creatures.

Shadow Shield
A shadow shield is a shield used by shadow hunters to shield themselves from a demonic axe and an angelic dagger.

Witch Hazel
A plant that burns witches, weakens them, and prevents them from casting spells if injested.

An herb that is a weakness to werewolves and hellhounds.